Min søde og dygtige kunde, Lise, har hjulpet med at lave disse fine ju 번역 - Min søde og dygtige kunde, Lise, har hjulpet med at lave disse fine ju 영어 말하는 방법

Min søde og dygtige kunde, Lise, ha

Min søde og dygtige kunde, Lise, har hjulpet med at lave disse fine juletræer, som allerede har høstet mange roser fra kunderne i butikken. Nu vil jeg gerne dele dem med jer :)

Teknikken der er brugt er krokodilleskæl - eller crocodile stitch på engelsk. Vi har forsøgt at forklare os så godt som muligt, men synes du alligevel beskrivelsen lyder lidt kringlet, så tag eks. et kig på denne her tutorial på youtube.

De fleste af træerne er hæklet i bomuldsgarn fra Mayflower (som nu igen er på lager i alle farver, og i en finere kvalitet end tidligere), men de gør sig også godt i uldgarn, eks. fra Kauni.

Hækl en hel flok i forskellige farver, kvaliteter og størrelser og lav et fint tableau i vindueskarmen. Eller lav to ens, sæt dem på en lille fod og 'plant' dem i et par urtepotter. Mulighederne er mange.....

Opskriften er som udgangspunkt lavet til de store juletræer hæklet i Cotton 8/8 big eller Cotton 8 med dobbelttråd. Vil du lave et i størrelsen som det lysegrønne 2. forrest, starter du som beskrevet ved de store, men med maskeantallet, der svarer til begyndelsen på 4. 'etage' - og tager den videre derfra.
Træerne i Kauni er hæklet som de store med med en hæklenål nr. 3.

Du skal bruge:
2 ngl. Cotton 8/8 big (til det tofarvede træ er der brugt 1 ngl. græsgrøn og 1 ngl. jadegrøn) eller
2 ngl. Cotton 8, hæklet med 2 tråde. Her er brugt hhv. pastelgrøn og mørk grøn.
1 hæklenål nr. 4,5 (eller 5)
Evt. en styroporkegle fra Panduro eller cchobby.dk. Til de store bør det passe ret godt med en i str. 19,5 cm. Du kan også fylde dem ud med fiber-/bamsefyld og lukke med en hæklet cirkel i bunden.

stm = stangmaske
fm = fastmaske
lm = luftmaske
V = 2 stm i samme maske, som danner et v
A = 2 stm som hækles sammen på flg måde: Hækl første gennemtræk på begge stm og træk herefter det sidste gennem begge masker.

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
My sweet and talented customer, Lise, have helped to make these fine Christmas trees, which already has reaped many praises from the customers in the store. Now I would like to share them with you guys:)The technique used is crocodile scales or crocodile stitch in English. We have tried to explain to us as well as possible, but you still think the description sounds a little convoluted, so tag as. a look at this here tutorial on youtube.Most of the trees are crochet in cotton yarn from Mayflower (which is now back in stock in all colors, and in a finer quality than in the past), but they are also good in worsted, as. from Kauni. Crochet a whole bunch of different colors, grades and sizes and make a fine tableau on the windowsill. Or make two similar, put them on a little foot and ' plant ' them in a few flower pots. The possibilities are many ... ...As a starting point, the recipe is made for large Christmas trees in Crochet Cotton 8/8 big or Cotton 8 with double thread. Will you do a in size as the bright green 2. Forrest, you start as described by the large, but with the mask number that corresponds to the beginning of 4. ' floor '-and take it from there. The trees of the Kauni is crochet as the store with with a crochet hook nr. 3. You must use: 2 ngl. Cotton 8/8 big (for the two-tone wood is used 1 ngl. grass green and 1 ngl. jade green) or2 ngl. Cotton 8, crochet with 2 threads. Here are used respectively. Pastel Green and dark green.1 crochet hook nr. 4.5 (or 5)EVS. a styroporkegle from P or cchobby.dk. For the major it should fit pretty well with one in str. 19.5 cm. Alternatively, you can fill them out with fiber-/bamsefyld and close with a crochet circle at the bottom. Mesh types:STM = Rod meshFM = fixed maskLM = air maskV = 2 DC in same mask, which form a vA = 2 DC as crochet together on the following way: Crochet first traits on both DC and then drag it last through both stitches.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
My sweet and knowledgeable customer, Lise, have helped to make these fine Christmas trees, which has already won the praise of customers in the store. Now I want to share them with you :) The technique that is used is crocodile scales - or crocodile stitch in English. We have tried to explain to ourselves as well as possible, but do you still description sounds a little convoluted, so take such. A look at this tutorial on youtube. Most of the trees are crocheted in cotton yarn from Mayflower (now back in stock in all colors and in a finer quality than in the past), but they do very well in woolen yarn, eg. from Kauni. Crochet a whole bunch of different colors, qualities and sizes and make a fine tableau windowsill. Or make two identical, set them on a small foot and 'plant' them in a few flower pots. There are many possibilities ..... The recipe is basically made ​​for the big Christmas trees crochet Cotton 8/8 big or Cotton 8 double thread. Want to make a size as the bright green second front, you start as described by the great, but with the mask the number that corresponds to the beginning of the fourth 'floor' - and take it from there. The trees in Kauni crochet as big with a crochet hook no. 3. You will need: 2 balls. Cotton 8/8 big (for the two-tone wood has been used 1 ngl. Grass green and 1 ngl. Jade green) or 2 balls. Cotton 8, crochet with 2 threads. Here is used respectively. pastel green and dark green. 1 crochet hook no. 4.5 (or 5) Possibly. one styroporkegle from Panduro or cchobby.dk. For large it should fit quite well with the size. 19.5 cm. You can also fill them with fiber / teddy bear stuffing and close with a crochet circle at the bottom. The mesh types: dc = crochet dc = fixed mask ch = mask V = 2 dc in same mask that form a v A = 2 dc crochet together in the following way: Crochet first through on both dc and then pull it last through both masks.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
my sweet and good customer, lise, have helped to make these fine christmas trees, which has already won many praises from the customers in the store. now i would like to share them with you:)
technique used is krokodilleskæl or crocodile stitch in english. we have tried to explain to us as well as possible, but you think, anyway the description sounds a little complicated, take example.a look at this tutorial on youtube.
most of the trees are crocheted in cotton yarn from the mayflower (which is now back in stock in all colors, and a finer quality than earlier), but they are also good in woollen yarn, g. from kauni.
hækl a whole bunch of different colors, qualities and sizes, and make a good tableau in the window. or low two alikeput them in a little foot and 'plant' em in a few flower pots. the possibilities are many...

, the recipe is made as the starting point to the large christmas needlepoint in cotton 8 / 8 big or cotton 8 with wire. you wanna make a size as light green 2. forrest, you start as described by the great, but with the number of meshes, which corresponds to the beginning of 4. floor '- and take it from there.
the trees in the kauni is needlepoint as large with a crochet hook no 3.

you will need:
2 ngl. cotton 8 / 8 big (to the two toned wood is used 1 ngl. græsgrøn and 1 ngl. jadegrøn) or
2 ngl. cotton 8 needlepoint with 2 wires. this is used, respectively. pastelgrøn and dark green.
1 crochet hook no 4 (or 5) - poss. a styroporkegle from panduro or cchobby.dk. the large, it should be pretty good with a in str 19.5 cm. you can also fill them out with fibrous / bamsefyld and close with a crocheted circle in the bottom.

types of rescuers: stm = stangmaske fm = fastmaske
lm = luftmaske
v = 2 stm in the same mask, forming a v
a = 2 stm which add together in fig. way: hækl first turnover on both stm and pull then the last through both masks.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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