. - 1 etage består af 1 omg. stm (basisomg), 1 omg. ”skæl” og 1 omg. f 번역 - . - 1 etage består af 1 omg. stm (basisomg), 1 omg. ”skæl” og 1 omg. f 영어 말하는 방법

. - 1 etage består af 1 omg. stm (b


- 1 etage består af 1 omg. stm (basisomg), 1 omg. ”skæl” og 1 omg. fm.
- På 1. etage hækles skællet omkring 2 stm fra forrige omg, som står ved siden af hinanden.
- På alle andre etager hækles det omkring de to stm fra forrige omg, som danner et V.

”Skæl” hækles således:
*hækl 5 stm omkring 1. stm i V’et idet du arbejder dig nedad, 1 lm, hækl 5 stm opad omkring 2. stm i V’et, 1 lm, spring over 5 m*. Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km.

1. etage (7 skæl):
Lav 51 lm, 1 stm i 4. lm fra nålen, herefter stm i alle lm (49 m). Saml arbejdet til en ring med en km i 3. lm.
1 lm, spring over 3 stm, hækl skæl som forklaret, dog er der kun 2 stm tilbage på omg til sidst. Saml med en km igennem både 1. stm i første skæl og basisomgangen.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl = 1 fm i siden, 2 mellem side og midte, 1 i midten, 2 mellem midte og side) Fm i midten af skæl hækles igennem det store hul. Fm mellem to skæl hækles omkring lm og i stm fra 1. omg, så skællene holdes på plads. Saml med en km i 1. lm. (42 m)

2. etage (7 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 5 stm. *V, 5 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (49 m)
3 lm, 4 stm omkring 1. stm i V’et, 1 lm, 5 stm omkring næste stm i V’et, 1 lm, spring over 5 m. Hækl de næste 6 skæl som forklaret under ”skæl”. Saml med en km i 3. lm.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl) (42 m)

3. etage (6 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 2 stm. sammen (A), 4 stm. *V, A, 4 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (42 m)
Hækl 6 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl) (36 m)

4. etage (6 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 5 stm. *V, 5 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (42 m)
Hækl 6 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl), dog hækles de to sidste fm sammen (35 m).

5. etage (5 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 2 stm. sammen (A), 4 stm. *V, A, 4 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (35 m)
Hækl 5 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl) (30 fm.

6. etage (5 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 5 stm. *V, 5 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (35 m)
Hækl 5 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 10 fm, 2 fm sammen, 13 fm, 2 fm sammen, 3 fm, 1 km i 1. fm (28 fm)

7. etage (4 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 2 stm. sammen (A), 4 stm. *V, A, 4 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (28 m)
Hækl 4 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl) (24 fm)

8. etage (4 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 5 stm. *V, 5 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (28 m)
Hækl 4 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 2 fm, 2 fm sammen, 6 fm, 2 fm sammen, 6 fm, 2 fm sammen, 4 fm, saml med en km (21 fm)

9. etage (3 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 2 stm. sammen (A), 4 stm. *V, A, 4 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (21 m)
Hækl 3 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm pr. skæl) (18 fm)

10. etage (3 skæl)
3 lm, 1 stm i samme m (V), 5 stm. *V, 5 stm* Gentag fra *-* hele vejen rundt. Saml med en km. i 3. lm. (21 m)
Hækl 3 skæl omgangen rundt.
1 lm, 1 fm, 2 fm sammen, 3 fm, 2 fm sammen, 2 fm, 2 fm sammen, 3 fm, 2 fm sammen, 1 fm. Saml med en km (14 fm)

2 lm, 1 stm, herefter 2 stm om hækles sammen (A) hele omg. rundt. Saml med en km i 1. stm (7 m)
1 lm, 1 fm i samme m, herefter fm omg. rundt (7 fm)
Bryd garnet, luk det lille hul øverst helt til og hæft ender.
Monter juletræet på keglen og det er klar til at pynte i dit hjem.

Rigtig god søndag aften :)
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
. -1 floor consists of 1 omg. STM (basisomg), 1 omg. "dandruff" and 1 omg. FM.-On 1. floor crochet flaky around 2 DC from previous round, which stands next to each other.-On all other floors it around the two crochet DC from previous round, forming a V. "Dandruff" crochet as follows:* crochet 5 DC around 1. DC in between the cylinders as you work you down, 1 ch, crochet 5 DC up around 2. DC in between the cylinders, CH 1, skip 5 m *. Repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km. 1. floor (7 scales):Low 51 ch, 1 DC in 4. ch from needle, then DC in every ch (49 m). Collect the work to a ring by a km in 3. LM.CH 1, skip 3 DC, crochet dandruff as explained, however, there are only 2 DC back on omg at the end. Collect with a km through both the 1. DC in first dandruff and basic handling.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per dandruff = 1 SC in side, 2 between the side and Centre, 1, 2 in the middle between the Center and side) SC in middle of dandruff crochet through the large hole. FM between two scales crochet around ch and in DC from 1. OMG, so the scales are kept in place. Collect with a km in 1. LM. (42 m)2. floor (7 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V) and 5 stm. * V, 5 DC * repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (49 m) ch 3, 4 DC around 1. DC in between the cylinders, 1 ch, 5 DC around the next DC in between the cylinders, CH 1, skip 5 m. Crochet the next 6 scales, as explained under "dandruff". Collect with a km in 3. LM.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per scales) (42 m)3. floor (6 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V), 2 DC. together (A), 4 DC. * V, A, 4 DC *, repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (42 m)Crochet 6 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per scales) (36 m)4. floor (6 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V) and 5 stm. * V, 5 DC * repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (42 m)Crochet 6 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per dandruff), however, crochet the last two SC together (35 m).5. floor (5 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V), 2 DC. together (A), 4 DC. * V, A, 4 DC *, repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (35 m)Crochet 5 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per scales) (30 SC.6th floor (5 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V) and 5 stm. * V, 5 DC * repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (35 m)Crochet 5 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 10 SC, 2 SC together, 13 SC, 2 SC together, 3 fm, 1 km in 1. FM (28 SC)7. floor (4 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V), 2 DC. together (A), 4 DC. * V, A, 4 DC *, repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (28 m)Crochet 4 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per scales) (24 SC)8. floor (4 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V) and 5 stm. * V, 5 DC * repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (28 m)Crochet 4 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 2 SC, 2 SC together, 6 SC, 2 SC together, 6 SC, 2 SC together, 4 SC, join with a km (21 SC)9. floor (3 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V), 2 DC. together (A), 4 DC. * V, A, 4 DC *, repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (21 m)Crochet 3 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 1 omg. SC (6 SC per scales) (18 SC)10th floor (3 scales)ch 3, 1 DC in same m (V) and 5 stm. * V, 5 DC * repeat from *-* all the way around. Collect with a km in 3. LM. (21 m)Crochet 3 dandruff handling around.CH 1, 1 SC, 2 SC together, 3 SC, 2 SC, 2 SC, 2 SC together together, 3 SC, 2 SC, 1 SC. assemble together with a km (14 SC)Top:ch 2, 1 DC, then 2 DC on crochet along (A) whole omg. around. Collect with a km in 1. STM (7 m)CH 1, 1 SC in same m, then fm omg. around (7 SC)Break the yarn, close the small hole at the top and staple all the way to the ends.Attach the Christmas tree on the volute and it is ready to dress up in your home. Really good Sunday night:)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
. - 1 floor consists of 1 round. dc (basisomg), 1 round. "Dandruff" and 1 round. sc. - On the first floor crochet flaky around 2 dc from previous round, standing side by side. - At all other levels crochet it around the two dc from previous round, forming a V. "Dandruff" work as follows: * Crochet 5 dc around the first dc of the V as you work your way down, 1 ch, 5 dc upwards about 2 dc in the V, ch 1, skip over 5 m *. Repeat from * - * around. Join with a sl. First floor (7 dandruff): Make 51 ch, 1 dc in 4th ch from hook, then dc in ch (49 m). Collect worked into a ring with a sl st in 3rd ch. 1 ch, skip 3 dc, crochet scales as explained, however, there are only 2 dc left on round eventually. Join with a sl through both the first dc in the first scales and basic lap. 1 ch, 1 round. sc. (6 dc per. Dandruff = 1 sc in next 2 between the side and the middle one in the middle, two between the middle and side) Fm in the middle of dandruff crochet through the large hole. Fm between two scales crochet around ch and dc from first round, so the scales in place. Join with a sl in first ch. (42 m) 2nd floor (7 dandruff) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 5 dc. * V, 5 dc * repeat from * - * around. Join with a sl. in 3rd ch. (49 m) ch 3, 4 dc around the first dc of the V, 1 ch, 5 dc around the next dc of the V, ch 1, skip over 5 m. Crochet the next 6 dandruff as explained in "dandruff" . Join with a sl st in 3rd ch. 1 ch, 1 round. sc. (6 dc per. Dandruff) (42 m) third floor (6 dandruff) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 2 dc. together (A), 4 dc. * V, A, 4 dc * repeat from * - * around. Join with a sl. in 3rd ch. (42 m) Crochet 6 dandruff lap round. 1 ch, 1 round. sc. (6 dc per. Dandruff) (36 m) fourth floor (6 dandruff) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 5 dc. * V, 5 dc * repeat from * - * around. Join with a sl. in 3rd ch. (42 m) Crochet 6 dandruff lap round. 1 ch, 1 round. sc. (6 dc per. Dandruff), but crochet the last two sc (35 m). 5th floor (5 scales) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 2 dc. together (A), 4 dc. * V, A, 4 dc * repeat from * - * around. Join with a sl. in 3rd ch. (35 m) Crochet 5 dandruff lap round. 1 ch, 1 round. sc. (6 dc per. Dandruff) (30 sc. 6th floor (5 scales) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 5 dc. * V, 5 dc * repeat from * - * around. Collect with one km. in 3rd ch. (35 m) Crochet 5 dandruff lap around. ch 1, 10 sc, 2 sc, 13 sc, 2 sc, 3 dc, 1 sl st in first sc (28 sc) 7th floor (4 scales) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 2 dc. together (A), 4 dc. * V, A, 4 dc * repeat from * - * around. Pick the one kilometer. in 3rd ch. (28 m) Work 4 dandruff lap round. 1 ch, 1 round. sc. (6 dc per. dandruff) (24 dc) 8th floor (4 scales) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st ( V), 5 dc. * V, 5 dc * repeat from * - * around. Pick the one km. in 3rd ch. (28 m) Work 4 dandruff lap around. Ch 1, 2 sc, 2 sc , 6 sc, 2 sc, 6 sc, 2 sc, 4 dc, join with a sl (21 dc) 9th floor (3 scales) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 2 dc. together ( A) 4 dc. * V, A, 4 dc * repeat from * - * around. Pick the one km. in 3rd ch. (21 m) Work 3 dandruff lap round. 1 ch, 1 round. sc . (6 dc per. dandruff) (18 dc) 10th floor (3 scales) 3 ch, 1 dc in same st (V), 5 dc. * V, 5 dc * repeat from * - * around. Join with a sl. in 3rd ch. (21 m) Work 3 dandruff lap around. Ch 1, 1 sc, 2 sc, 3 sc, 2 sc, 2 sc, 2 sc, 3 sc, 2 sc, 1 sc. Pick a km (14 dc) Top: 2 ch, 1 dc, then 2 dc on crochet together (A) all round. round. Join with a sl in first dc (7 m) ch 1, 1 sc in same st, then dc round. around (7 sc) Break yarn, close the small hole at the top completely and sew in ends. Attach the Christmas tree on the cone and it is ready to decorate your home. Very good Sunday night :)

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
- 1 floor consists of 1 omg. stm (basisomg), 1 omg. "flakes" and 1 omg. fm.
- 1. floor add scaly around 2 stm from previous omg, standing beside each other. - in all other floors add it around the two stm from previous omg, which form a v,
"dandruff" add as follows: * * hækl 5 stm around 1. stm in v a as you work your way down, 1 lm, hækl 5 stm upwards around 2. stm in v a, 1 lmjump over 5 m *. repeat from * * all around. pick a km.

1. floor (7 scales):
low 51 lm, 1 stm in 4. lm from the needle, then stm in all lm (49 m). pick up the work to a ring with a km in 3. lm.
1 lm, jump over 3 stm hækl flakes as explained, however, there are only 2 stm back on omg finally. pick a km through both 1. stm of first flakes and basisomgangen.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm per.dandruff = 1 fm since 2 between the side and center, 1 in the center, 2 between the center and side) fm in the middle of the flakes add through the large hole. fm between the two flakes add around lm and in stm from 1. omg, the scales are kept in place. pick a km in 1. lm. (42 m)
2. floor (7 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v), 5 stm. * v, 5 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (49 m)
3 lm4 stm around 1. stm in v a, 1 5 lm, stm around the next stm in v a, 1 lm, jump over 5 meters. hækl the next 6 scales as explained under "flakes". gather by a mile in 3. lm.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm per scales) (42 m)
3. floor (6 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v) 2 stm. together (a) 4 stm. * v, a, 4 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (42 m)
hækl 6 scales round around.
1 lm, 1 omg.fm. (6 fm per scales) (36 m)
4. floor (6 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v), 5 stm. * v, 5 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (42 m)
hækl 6 scales round around.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm per flakes), add the last two fm together (35 m)
5. floor (5 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v) 2 stm. together (a) 4 stm. * v, a, 4 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile.in 3. lm. (35 m)
hækl 5 scales round around.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm per scales) (30 fm.
6. floor (5 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v), 5 stm. * v, 5 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (35 m)
hækl 5 scales round around.
1 lm, 10 fm, fm 2 together, 13 fm, fm 2 together, 3 fm, 1 km in 1. fm (28 fm)
7. floor (4 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v) 2 stm. together (a) 4 stm. * v, a,4 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (28 m)
hækl 4 scales round around.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm per scales) (24 fm)
8. floor (4 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v), 5 stm. * v, 5 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (28 m)
hækl 4 scales round around.
1 2 2 lm, fm, fm, fm, fm 6, 2, 6, fm, fm 2 together, 4 fm, gather with a km (21 fm)
9.floor (3 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v) 2 stm. together (a) 4 stm. * v, a, 4 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (21 m)
hækl 3 scales round around.
1 lm, 1 omg. fm. (6 fm per scales) (18 fm)
10. floor (3 scales)
3 lm, 1 stm in the same m (v), 5 stm. * v, 5 stm * repeat from * * all around. gather by a mile. in 3. lm. (21 m)
hækl 3 scales round around.
1 lm, 1 fm, 2 fm together3 2 2 fm, fm, fm, fm 2 together, 3 fm, fm 2 together, 1 fm. pick a km (14 fm)
2 lm, 1 stm, then 2 stm on add together (a) all omg. around. pick a km in 1. stm (7 m)
1 lm, 1 fm in the same m, then fm omg. around (7 fm) break the yarn, open the small hole at the top to and hæft ends. install the christmas tree in the cone and it is ready to decorate your home.
very good sunday night:)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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